1. A tapering, projecting point; a pointed extremity: the peak of a cap; the peak of a roof.
2. Abbr. Pk.
a. The pointed summit of a mountain.
b. The mountain itself.
a. The point of a beard.
b. A widow's peak.
4. The point of greatest development, value, or intensity:
a novel written at the peak of the writer's career. See Synonyms at
summit .
5. Physics The highest value attained by a varying quantity: a peak in current.
6. Nautical
a. The narrow portion of a ship's hull at the bow or stern.
b. The upper after corner of a fore-and-aft sail.
c. The outermost end of a gaff.
v. peaked , peakĀ·ing , peaks
v. tr.
1. Nautical To raise (a gaff) above the horizontal.
2. To bring to a maximum of development, value, or intensity.
v. intr.
1. To be formed into a peak or peaks: Beat the egg whites until they peak.
2. To achieve a maximum of development, value, or intensity: Sales tend to peak just before the holidays.
Approaching or constituting the maximum: working at peak efficiency.
[Probably Middle English pike, peke ; see pike 5 .]
After this. Only Yogg-Saron to go. (and algalon.) (which we did on 10man).
Of the horde on a level 19......