Spotted him in a Bg. From memory he did sweet fuck all but stand at BS.
Funnily enough it didn't once get attacked so I couldn't tell if he / she was botting or not.
" we started reckful.com for guild members/friends to stream on.
you can watch me:rogue:, fuzionn:priest:, sodah:priest:, ooi:shaman:, nientonsoh:warlock:, pookz:mage:, pyrilus:warlock:, yog:mage::warlock:, valrath:deathknight:, euneek:paladin:, pollee:warlock: (and others soon) there.
coolest feature - we'll sometimes have two streamers on the same team streaming side by side. you'll be able to see both perspectives on a 2v2 team simultaneously (it's trippy) or two+ perspectives on a 3v3/5v5.
check "who is live now" on reckful.com to see who is currently streaming. we have under 20 streamers so there will not always be a live stream available, but since all our streams are recorded, you can press some names in the Recordings tab and watch streams from the day before (usually with ventrilo). watch the video-on-demand through the player's menu button.
to get e-mail notifications when someone is streaming, register at http://reckful.com/user/register . might have to tell your e-mail it isn't spam
QUOTE FROM - http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/100213-reckfulcom-streams/
High ranking / glad players making jokes about OOI:
"Really hope you are Ooi to be asking to take rank 1 " Scarra.
"ooi doesnt spam forums for people to play with him, he pays them $$$ " Thinkagain.
Look at their 2704-2924 - they farmed the same team to get to the top, and now the team is deleted? Obvious win trading.
"For those that may not be involved in the esports scene, you may not be aware of a guy named "Ooi", also known as the prince of Qatar. Pretty much every top or high-recognition arena player has been in contact with this guy at one point or another. Basically, he is the prince of Qatar and has an absurd amount of money due to, obviously, being a part of the royal family.
What he is most known for is giving players an exorbitant amount of money to play with or for him to get arena points every week (and, incidentally, proving why a lot of middle eastern countries are failed or collapsed states; use all of that oil money on infrastructure and jobs and not on the elites you dimbulbs).
Nobody really knows why he hands money out like this. Maybe he is just a lonely individual, but the cash he gives out is a lot higher than you may think as Yog, Sonydigital, Pookz, Twix, Valrath, Veev and many others including myself have all been paid to be a part of this cartel. Although I haven't really been involved with the guy in a while, the amount of money paid out is easily close to a grand just for playing 10 games a week. For end-of-season gladiator titles? Over $500. For rank 1 titles? Over $2000.
If you play on Blackrock and have been wondering why Pookz, Valrath and several other players have transferred off, the reason is money. An insider reported to me recently that Yog was paid $4000 to transfer his character to Ooi's server and has been getting paid $800 a week for some time now.
God only knows how much account sharing is going on as not everybody always transfers their characters to play with/for Ooi for money.
Does the prince of Qatar have the resources to pay off Blizzard employees from account action?"
So my team can't take rank 1 because of people like this, who are getting PAYED to play arena, and then make teams specifically to ensure rank 1. Cool stuff.
ALSO: Bonus article here : http://www.gotfrag.com/wow/story/42699/?cpage=1
"GotFrag speaks with a member of the Qatar royal family competing in the MLG Orlando WoW tournament."...... etc.
Below: I don't know which is OOI. I assume the player in the middle or the fat guy on the right.